While Core Wellness Disability Services has taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the information on this Website, it is provided on the understanding that Core Wellness Disability Services is not giving professional advice on any particular topic.
Information on this Website on NDIS, relevant disability services and related financial or legal support is given for your convenience only and should not be regarded as a definitive determination or assessment of any eligibility for such services or support.
Information of high-quality Core Wellness Disability Services cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information and assumes no legal duty or responsibility for it.
The views or recommendations of third parties may be included in the materials on this Website, but they do not necessarily reflect the views of Core Wellness Disability Services personnel or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action.
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Core Wellness Disability Services disclaims any and all liability for any harm, loss, or damage resulting from the use or reliance on the Information or this Website, including but not limited to:
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Any inaccuracy in the Website or the Information
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